“Serbian Soko” in Oakland (California)


  • Kristina Pantelić Babić University of Banja Luka, V.P. Bojovića 1a, 78 000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
  • Petar Pavlović FIEP Europe Delegate and Vice-President of Section for History of Sports, Banja Luka, Serbian
  • Nenad Živanović FIEP Europe, President of Section for History of Sports, Niš, Serbia




Serbs in America (USA) in mid-1907 began to accept the very idea of Serbian Sokolism and in early 1909 began to emerge initiatives for the establishment of the first Serbian Sokol Societies. By the end of this year two Societies were established, in the upcoming 1910 five more and during 1911 three more societies, so by the end of that year there were in total ten Serbian Soko Societies. In 1912 the establishment of Serbian Sokol Societies continued, and among those societies was also Serbian Soko Society in Oakland, State of California, established in January. The subject of this paper is „Serbian Soko“ in Oakland (California) and aim is to investigate exactly when the Society was founded, who were its initiators and founders, which were its main activities and the importance it had on the development of Sokolism in the territory of the United States (America).






How to Cite

“Serbian Soko” in Oakland (California). (2019). GYMNASIUM, 19(1), 89-95. https://doi.org/10.29081/gsjesh.2018.19.1.08