Study Concerning the Development of Motor Qualities, Speed and Handiness, by Using Moving Games at 6th Grade


  • Florian Benedek University “Ştefan cel Mare” of Suceava, 13, Universității, 720229,Romania



During the school year, motor skills must be approached at all times, offering them a differentiated space within the lessons, depending on the season, motors training topics, material conditions etc. Within the study, we proceeded from the following hypothesis: assume that by using predominantly dynamic games in the physical education lesson we will obtain an increase in the indices of motor quality, the speed and skill in the children. The purpose of the paper was to choose from the motion games, the most efficient ones for the development of motor skills, to explain them, to use them during the physical education classes, and have the results prove their efficiency in achieving the proposed purposes. In our study the research area was established, the hypothesis was formulated, the research methods and techniques were selected, the selected tests applied, the study strategy was established, the data were recorded, and the conclusions were drawn up.



How to Cite

Study Concerning the Development of Motor Qualities, Speed and Handiness, by Using Moving Games at 6th Grade. (2019). GYMNASIUM, 19(1 (Supplement), 94-106.