The Role of the Teacher in Physic Education and Sport in Preventing Scarce Atitudes of Children from the Primary Learning System
Physical education and sport represents activities of national interest, with a high role in: strengthening health and physically developing a harmonious young generation. The present paper presents a study regarding the importance of the somatoscopic and somatometric exam in finding physical deficiencies to children in primary learning system. The main purpose of the didactical experiment is arguing that fact that the prevention of physical deficiencies in small children can be done within physical education and sport activities, with the help of certain special programs of physical exercises that can lead to validating solutions in finding physical deficiencies. In doing so, we have implemented within the physical education classes a program of physical exercises to prevent eventual physical deficiencies in children of the primary learning system. The experimental lot size has accomplished significant improvement quotas, which indicates the research hypothesis has been confirmed.