Study on the Evolution of Anthropometric Indices in Primary School Students


  • Vlad-Ionuț Stegariu “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, B-dul Carol I, 700506, Romania
  • Vlad Alexandru Muntian “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iaşi, Bulevardul Carol I, 700506, Romania
  • Florentina Petruța Martinaș “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iaşi, Bulevardul Carol I, 700506, Romania



physical education, sports, children, anthropometric, evolution.


In the antepubertal period, motor skills are influenced by the growth and development processes that the child goes through, the entire biomotor potential entering a continuous adaptive process. In this period, the role of physical education and sports is an essential one in the harmonious physical development of the individual but also in the optimization of his biological potential. The purpose of this study is to observe the qualitative evolution of the anthropometric indices of primary school students. We consider that between the values of the body mass index and the proportionality index there are no statistically significant differences between female and male subjects in the studied group. To calculate the two anthropometric indices, body mass index and Adrian Ionescu proportionality index, the following measurements were performed: waist, bust and weight. The results were processed and analyzed using the program IBM SPSS Statistics, using the T test and the Pearson correlation index.


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