GYMNASIUM „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania en-US GYMNASIUM 1453-0201 Study Regarding the Dimensions of Personal Autonomy Among Students Aged 13-14 Years Old <p>Personal autonomy is crucial in developing the personality of teenagers. The COVID-19 pandemic constrained adolescents' wishes and choices by imposing isolation at home. This constraint diminished individual autonomy regarding the purpose of choices, the direction of actions and the freedom to carry out particular tasks. The study aims to assess this personality trait by applying the personal autonomy questionnaire with four dimensions: cognitive autonomy, behavioural autonomy, value autonomy and emotional autonomy. The subjects of this research were 62 seventh-grade students with an average age of 13.5±0.29 years old. The results showed that the pandemic period impaired the students' personal autonomy, and some subjects avoided expressing their feelings and lacked confidence in their strengths.</p> Bogdan Mihaela Moraru Cristina Elena Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 25 1 7 28 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.01 The Relationship between Job-Finding Anxiety and Academic Engagement: A Study on Undergraduate Students In Faculty of Sports Sciences <p>This study aimed to determine the relationship between the job-finding anxiety and the academic engagement of undergraduate students studying in the field of sports sciences. The “Scale of Job Finding Anxiety of Sports Science Students” developed by Aslan and Ugras (2021) and the “Academic Engagement Scale” developed by Kızılkaya and Dogan (2022) were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the job-finding anxiety had a significant and negative effect on academic engagement (p&lt;0.01). According to these results, it is revealed that it is necessary to take measures to reduce the job-finding anxiety and to develop education policies so that students can have a more productive education process with high academic engagement.</p> Balci Buse Yildiz Kadir Yildiz Suleyman M. Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 25 1 29 37 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.02 The Importance of Early Physical Therapy Intervention in Fighting Post-surgical Sequelae in a Patient with Cerebral Abscess <p>The primary objective of this research was to highlight the importance of early physical therapy intervention in fighting neurological sequelae following surgical intervention and improving the patient's level of independence in cases of cerebral abscess. The study was based on identifying the degree of neuro-motor impairment immediately after the surgery, followed by establishing a specific physical therapy intervention strategy based on the identified manifestations. The subjects included in the study had a common clinical diagnosis of cerebral abscess and the presence of neurological sequelae post-surgery. The physical therapy approach consisted of neuro-proprioceptive facilitation techniques and methods, considered the most effective in such pathologies. The results obtained from the initial and final evaluations of the patients included in the study and their interpretation<br>highlighted that the early application of neuro-motor and proprioceptive facilitation techniques allowed achieving favorable results and reaching the proposed objectives.</p> Şlicaru Adina Camelia Balint Tatiana Cristuță Alina-Mihaela Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 25 1 38 52 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.03 Starting grade as a factor of success in the beam discipline in gymnastics <p>The aim of the research was to examine the initial grades of gymnasts who participated in the finals in the balance beam discipline at the World Cup in Doha. The hypothesis of this research should show that the initial grade has a large share in the success when<br>performing the composition on the beam. The sample of participants consists of eight gymnasts who qualified for the final in the beam discipline at the FIG World Cup Series competition - Doha (Qatar) in 2022. These gymnasts come from six national federations, which are shown with their starting grades, errors in performance, final grades and placement. In this case study, the research shows that the performance of gymnasts at the top level is very safe, because the finalists on beam did not make major mistakes, they fulfilled all specific requirements and some achieved bonus elements.</p> Raid Mekić Miloš Paunović Benin Murić Izet Kahrović Oliver Radenković Omer Špirtović Ilma Čaprić Hadzi Miloš Vidaković Tatiana Dobrescu Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 25 1 53 61 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.04 Teachers' and Students' Opinions Regarding the Effects of Climbing and Escalation in Sports Activities <p>The aim of the study is to highlight the views of teachers and students on the impact of wall climbing in secondary school sports activities. The results of the study are based on the analysis of the answers given by 114 teachers to a 12-item questionnaire and by 234 students to a 6-item questionnaire, completed online during the first half of the school year 2022-2023. Both categories of respondents belong to schools in the counties of Bacau, Vaslui and Suceava. In order to conduct the study, the following methods were used: documentation, survey, analysis and statistical data processing. The analysis of the answers recorded in the two questionnaires revealed that the interviewed respondents believe that climbing and escalation exercises contribute to the development of courage, self-confidence and selfesteem, and that teachers and students are willing to perform such exercises in Physical Education lessons and extracurricular activities.</p> Resmeriță Monica Mihăilescu Liliana Niculina Rață Bogdan Constantin Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 62 84 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.2.05 The Incidence of Osgood-Schlatter Injuries in Young Athletes and Non-Athletes - A Systematic Review <p>This systematic review explores the incidence of Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD) in young athletes and non-athletes, focusing on its epidemiology and characteristics. OSD marked by patellar tendon irritation, local pain, and swelling, primarily arises from repetitive quadriceps strain during adolescence and sports activities. The study conducted a systematic review of twelve eligible studies, encompassing a total of 4814 participants. Football and basketball were identified as the sports most linked to OSD, with the condition more prevalent in young athletes than non-athletes. The heightened occurrence of OSD in athletes can be attributed to the repetitive stress on the tibial tubercle during activities like running and jumping. This research underscores the significance of understanding OSD's epidemiological aspects for effective prevention and management, particularly among adolescents experiencing growth spurts. It also emphasizes the need to educate young athletes on injury prevention and the early recognition of OSD symptoms, including knee pain and swelling.</p> Stanković Dušan Veličković Petar Antonijević Maša Veličković Verica Anđelković Ivana Bubanj Saša Aksović Nikola Bjelica Bojan Mitić Milovan Dobrescu Tatiana Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 85 93 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.06 Study on the Identification of Execution Errors, Causes, and Specific Corrective Kinetic and Prophylactic Means in Free Throws in Basketball <p>The identification of execution errors in real-time correction through an innovative specific device to free throw refinement, and through corrective kinetic and prophylactic exercises adapted to basketball game. The study included 92 subjects structured into sports categories: U14, U16, U18, and by gender: female (46 subjects) and male (46 subjects). Subjects were observed to identify the incidence of execution errors in free throws, their causes and correction methods during the study's testing. The study results highlight the decrease in the number of execution errors between the final and initial testing due to the implementation of innovative technology specific to free throw refinement and the application of specific corrective kinetic and prophylactic exercises. For all junior and gender categories of the study, the number of errors decreased in the final testing compared to the initial one, highlighting the importance of identifying errors and causes in real-time and correcting them through specific means.</p> Olteanu Mircea Ionut Badau Dana Martoma Alina Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 94 109 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.07 Children with Disorders (ASD/ADHD) in Inclusive Physical Education from The Perspective of Church School Students <p>The purpose of the research was to determine and compare the attitudes of church school students toward the inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in physical education classes. A total of 147 able-bodied church school students (boys, n=66 with a mean age of 13.36±1.15 years; girls, n=81 with a mean age of 13.22±1.18 years) participated in the research. A questionnaire modelled after the CAIPE-R (Children's Attitude toward Inclusive Physical Education-Revised) was used as a research method. The results of the present study revealed significantly more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of peers with autism spectrum disorders in physical education classes than peers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. This result was confirmed in the girl’s group’s social relationships and the rules modifications in both genders of church school students.</p> Švecová Daša Nemček Dagmar Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 110 123 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.08 The Influence of Physical Exercises Carried Out in the Aquatic Environment on Physiological Parameters for 10 – 12 Year Tennis Players <p>The objective of this study is to highlight the effect of physical exercises specific to the game of tennis, carried out in the aquatic environment to optimize the effort capacity of the players practicing this sport on the physiological parameters of the players in this sport. A novelty element of this experimental research is represented by the implementation in the training program of tennis players in the aquatic environment and exercises from other sports branches such as swimming, gymnastics and athletics. The intervention program is a bold attempt to weave and combine exercises from different sports, in a non-specific and totally different environment, in order to improve performances and results, looking at the perspective, without necessarily aiming at great current performances, in the short term, which could bring disappointments, create certain barriers or even lead to the abandonment of sports activities.</p> Miron Florin Monea Dan Stefănescu Horea Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 124 144 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.09 Romania and Israel: The Link Between Physical Education and Socio-Political Crisis Situations <p>This study compares the motor skills of students at a Jewish School in Romania, examining their relevance in socio-political crises. It explores the link between motor proficiency and crisis response, finding significant differences in speed, agility, and coordination, likely<br>influenced by cultural and socio-economic factors. These findings stress the importance of motor skills for readiness and adaptability in crises, highlighting the interplay between physical abilities, educational settings, and societal contexts. Understanding this relationship can enhance crisis management strategies and resilience among students. The research emphasizes integrating physical capabilities into broader crisis management frameworks to foster effective responses to socio-political challenges.</p> Iosif Adrian Alin Stănescu Monica Copyright (c) 2024 GYMNASIUM 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 25 1 145 165 10.29081/gsjesh.2024.25.1.10