Reviewers' Guide

The deadline for your report and the evaluation grid will be contained in the enclosed letter, together with the manuscript to be reviewed.

Please send your review (evaluation grid and observations) by e-mail to the Chief Editor. Keep the copy of the manuscript, as you may be asked to review any revised versions, until the final decision.

All manuscripts will be improved by some revision before publication based on your recommendations.

Please make sure that your critical comments and your recommendation about publication agree: authors, mostly the young researcher, are sometimes puzzled to receive largely friendly comments or apparently mild criticism associated with a recommendation to reject. If you recommend rejection, please try to indicate sufficient scientific motives.

Rejection is most tolerable when it is clear that the reviewers have considered the paper with thoroughness compatible with the authors’ investment of time in their work.

There will be two reviewers for each manuscript. Each of the reviewers in the Scientific Committee will not be requested for a review more than twice in a year.