The Rating of Perceived Exertion Predicts Performance Loss and Physiological Demand in Vertical Jump Session Until Voluntary Failure
Countermouvement jump, heart rate, fatigue, monitoring power exercise.Abstract
The aims of this study were (a) to assess the ability of the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to predict performance loss (i.e. percent of drop in height relative to maximal height) of vertical jump session until voluntary failure, and (b) to determine the ability of RPE to describe the physiological demand of this session via heart rate monitor. Ten healthy men performed vertical jumps (counter-movement jump) until voluntary failure. Before session start maximal jump height for every subject was determined. Heart rate and RPE, separately for legs (RPE legs) and for breath (RPE breath), were recorded every ten jumps throughout the sessions. Results have shoved that RPE legs and performance loss have about 99% of same variance ( =0,9899; p<0,000), and RPE breath explains about 98% heart rate variance ( =0,9789; p<0,000) in vertical jump session until voluntary failure.